Sunday, August 16, 2020

what am i doing in lockdown

in lock down what have i been doing? well in lock down there is not much to do but i went for walks and i did colouring in and painting and facepaint i found painted Rocks and speking of rocks i have found a rock that i think i know she is in my class and her name is Alyssa it is a rainbow one with red orange yellow green and blue I think so Alyssa if your out there do you know what i mean?? at our school we are doing on line learning are you doing on line learning? what are you doing in lock down? and are you doing on line learning? what do you the most in lockdown? i kike staying home ha oh stay safe nz and stay healthy and stay home and save lifes by


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  2. Sounds like you are having fun. I love rock painting and then hiding them and finding other peoples rocks.

  3. yeah i think i found Alyssa's Rock from our class
