Sunday, June 20, 2021


this is a poster that i made i enjoyed it ALL it was so fun    (there are two posters  but I can't post to at time so if you click the link up there in purple it will take you to another one!)

Saturday, June 19, 2021

what are compound words

 hello and my name is Claudia today I'm going to be showing you what compound words are.! i am learning what compound words are. do you know compound words are? and do you think you will be abel to do it?

click link do not do this one do the LINK in purple up there 


summary about an animation reading week 7-8

 I am learning how to summarise. i enjoyed doing the font and colours. do you know how to summarise and have you done it before?    (you can not watch the video but on you tube i think it is called taking flight) 

Thursday, June 17, 2021

maths week 7-8

 i am learning about division. i enjoyed posting it to my blog. do you know what division is? and will you think you will find it easy or hard?        (it is a bit hard)

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

My voki

 i am learning how to create a voki. i enjoyed messing around with my character. would you know 

how to make a voki and have you done it before?        type on google. 


Thursday, June 3, 2021


 i am learning how to do a Cyber-smart challenge. i enjoyed Thomas activity full stop do you like cyber smart?