Monday, April 12, 2021


 I am learning about ANZAC day I am joy doing the activities do you like anzac day???


 I am learning about ANZAC day. i enjoyed doing the activities! what do you know about anzac day? do you enjoy it?

Friday, April 9, 2021



as you can see my reading work is the same because the teachers did not change the work   

reading week-6-7

 i am  learning how to predict. i enjoyed guessing. do you know how to  predict?

Thursday, April 8, 2021


 hi i'm claudia if you saw my last maths posts you will see that they are both the same because our teachers did not do the work for us so yeah bye

week-89 maths :)

 i am learning how to tell the time. i enjoyed doing this. do you know how to tell time?

week-67 maths

 i am learning how to tell time. i enjoyed do it. do  you know how to tell time??

Friday, April 2, 2021

my poster

hi this is my poster about me!!!!!! 

fidget toys

 hi guys, 

today's post will be about fidgets,

I enjoyed inserting the photos,

do you have any fidget toys? and if you don't which would be your favourite?